Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hot Air

I buy the big boxes because I use so many!

I cut myself again the other night. This one is to the bone. It is in the crease of my thumb and it HURTS. My husband was there immediately to doctor it up. 

He is one of the nicest people I know. He is so attentive to my needs. If we are out for a drive and I mention I might need to stop soon he pulls into the next rest room. If we are going somewhere and he is ready first he never rushes me. Never indicates I need to hurry up. Never points out he is ready. Never asks me how long I am going to take. He just does whatever he needs on the computer, cleans the kitchen, watches a news show, etc. No judgment, no comments, no attitude—just loving and kind. I am in my 60's so this should not be a shock but it is.

Anyone who knows me at ALL knows I drink a lot of diet coke—I use the term loosely because a lot is a LOT. And, I want fountain—not a can or bottle unless are in a desperate situation! So, although he teases me, he is the first to ask if I need another soda. He will actually point out that mine is low and ask if I need a new one.

If I am hurt, he is the first to notice (no matter how I hide it) and he immediately tries to fix it. It might be a burn, a Band-Aid on a cut finger or an email to a hurting heart.

The thing is, I have never met anyone like this. He is intelligent, logical, observant, kind and caring. You know how people scroll down Facebook news feeds and hit "like" to everything that doesn't just irritate them? He isn't like that but he is tolerant, thoughtful, observant and accepting of everyone at face value. He always makes me feel “special”.  Isn't that what everyone wants?

There is never a doubt that he loves me but it is more than that: He is Godly. Not the “hot-air-judgmental-all-talk-religious” form of godliness that has no power so many people espouse but the ”shoe-leather-esteem-your-brother-better-than-yourself” Godliness that Jesus showed us how to walk out on earth.

Don’t just "like" something about someone: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

Don’t just "like" something about your spouse: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

 Don’t just "like" the way people are in your church: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

Don’t just "like" the way your child acts: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

Don’t just "like" certain things about people: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

Don’t just "like"_______________: “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.

What is the difference? “Liking” specific individual areas of a person’s life or someone’s actions means you are comparing that area to another and someone is found lacking. Why do that? Just “Esteem your brother better than yourself”.  Just love people.  Yes, there should be wisdom involved but really don’t we use that as an excuse to be guarded and make people “prove” themselves? Eventually the fruit of their life will be seen and in the meantime who knows what blessings will be available for both parties.

Jesus did not call the disciples and then keep them at arm’s length until they “proved” themselves. He was transparent with them. What if you get hurt? What if someone lets you down? Who cares?

What if you plant seed in someone’s life and it eventually brings about change. What it you are the one who shows them the love that they needed? What if they see Jesus in you?

What does this have to do with intercession?

It is not about you. It is about a lost and dying world watching to see if you really are different or just hot air….

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