Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Are you a light bringer or a cloud?

I watch the ocean a lot. The Lord has really blessed us with a magnificent view of a river that pours into the ocean and a coastline that causes every visitor to our home to comment on its beauty.

 We get to sit on the lanai and watch the sun rises, the sunsets, the ever changing water. There are so many different “moods” in the water, the sky. Each “mood” is reflected in the colors, the textures, the smells.
Yesterday was a day of intermittent storms.  The sky would change colors, the wind would blow, the rain fall, and then it would all stop. The sun would break through a cloud. The greys would dissipate, hazy color streaks of peaches, yellows, lighter grey blues would begin to stretch across the sky like paint brush strokes on a canvas of white.

It was not my first day to watch the ocean—it always moves me but this was different. I began to see the church and all its metamorphosis reflected in the changing ocean as clearly as the sun breaking through the night sky
The church is that way. Dispensations happen and it is “like sunshine breaking at midnight". It is a revolution of light in darkness. Change happens. Everyone has a new and different way to approach the throne of God. Then, like the day, the dispensation begins to fade. Mankind begins to sin again and the only thing he learns is that he cannot follow any rules that would get him to God. Darkness descends again.

Then the brightest light of all breaks forth—that light that will not be put out—even in darkness the light He leaves is like the full moon shining on the ocean in the night.

Romans 5:20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased grace increased all the more.

Even in the dispensation of Grace the love of God continues to bring revelation and the sun breaks through the clouds so the church can see to walk where they are lacking and how to “walk in the light” of each revelation. But, as with the dispensations, storms come. The rains dim the light. The storms of life blow. The clouds come in and dim the light of the revelation. The bright blues and turquoises of the sky and their reflection in the ocean change into shades and variation and into greys.

Intercession causes clarity and the light breaks forth again. It is a constant war in the spirit realm. Light and dark. Clouds and the sun. Color and grey. Are you praying for the church? Where are they walking in blindness? Do you see a cloud darkening the understanding of who God is in a certain area? Do you see a need? Are you quenching intercession? What is there in your life that distracts you? Takes your heart away from intercession?

Bring the light----


  1. Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures. I love the way you write, especially when you take Gods beautiful creation and use it as a metaphor in your writing, as you have so eloquently done for this particular subject. Love it! You are right Sally. The intercessors need to pray with a fervor we have not participated in before. I sense a great awakening followed by a revival and a harvest like no other in history. It is time! We are in the last of the last days and we need step up and take our position. It is time to be about our Fathers business, looking for the Lords soon return. I usually wake up around 4:00 a.m. and pray, but in the past 2 weeks I am sad concerning the integrity of Christianity these days. I woke up Tuesday morning with this desperate desire to pray and all that came out of me was deep sobbing tears and an intense prayer language. Nothing was known to me except that I was not getting up until that prayer meeting with the Lord was fulfilled. There is always so much to pray for and it has somewhat discouraged me these past couple weeks to see very little progress for that which I labor over. I know God is in control, so I just ask for help in praying more effectively. God bless you and keep up the good blogging.

  2. The Dutch Sheets article I posted recently indicated that the intercessors are tired. I really have been sensing this same thing. We have got to get a second wind or run out of oil.
