Monday, January 13, 2014

Another jigsaw puzzle done! Accomplishment!

I love to put together jigsaw puzzles—I am not very good at it but I enjoy it.

Growing up we often had a jigsaw puzzle set up on a card table in the family room. Mom would work hard at it. I would work at it too but I was not as good…..

I am rather obsessive/compulsive in many areas—or rather I used to be. I have been pretty much delivered at this point. But anyway, when I start a puzzle I separate all the pieces first—usually by color or pattern and the edge pieces. The edges go together first.  Then the next biggest color portion. I consult the box a lot. And so on. I usually work from the edges in.

One of the things I have noticed when working a puzzle is that the closer I get to being done the faster it goes.

Sometimes when I am working a puzzle and I get stuck. I sit and look and look and look.  Then someone will walk by, reach over, grab a piece and put it into place. The worst part is when they do not even slow down as they walk past.

I don’t know about you by this irritates me. I mean really? I am the one sitting here working at this. It is supposed to be fun. It is supposed to be relaxing. So when I am sitting here getting discouraged should not be this easy for someone not intimately involved with this puzzle to just walk by and put in a piece—or in the case of one of my grandkids 5 or 6.  He started this at about 3 and it is rather humiliating. But I do not yell, scream or throw the puzzle.

Those days have passed for me. Now I work jig saw puzzles on the computer. I sit and pray and work my puzzles. My prayers fly as fast as my fingers as I race the clock.

This is so similar to what happens in the spirit realm. We begin our walks in the Lord trying to sort things out so we can make sense of them. We read the word trying to see the final picture (consulting the box). We set some foundations and get frustrated in our growth, or our calling, or ….. Then someone will walk by and do a little sharpening in our lives, often without even stopping and we react horribly. The thing is, as we walk in the spirit it all becomes easier. The foundations are set, the spirit walk is coming together, sin is less prevalent, the promises are more apparent, and refining is desired instead of rejected.

What does this have to do with intercession?

We start thinking about putting together a new puzzle--we feel that prompting over a specific situation.

We look at the boxes of puzzles to make a choice—we do the victory dance amidst the praise.

We get out the table, pour out the pieces, turn them face up—we head into the war room to get the battle plan.

We separate and sort the pieces—we write out the plan, search the scriptures, sharpen our sword, set our armor firm.

We put the edges together—we go into the spirit realm and take authority.

We check the picture on the box—we stay in the word.

We put the center together—we set the answers in place and refuse any repercussions.

We get stuck and someone walks by to put a piece in place—we join in agreement and slay 10,000 instead of 1,000.

We continue to work at the puzzle—we do NOT become weary and head back to the war room for any updates.

We set the last piece—we head back to the throne room to dance the victory dance before the Lord amidst our praise.

Another puzzle done! Accomplishment! 

Another intercession won! Accomplishment!

Ready to start that puzzle?