Friday, January 3, 2014

I Am Living in Paradise. How About You?

Sitting at the beach reminds me how very much it is like life in church.

When you go to the beach, you dress for the part—a swimsuit of some kind for the beach. Women who are buff wear a bikini. Having lived on Guam and in Hawaii I can honestly sat thaat women who aren’t do too. But let's be realistic, so do men. Have you seen a man in a speedo lately—you know the one. He was buff 25 years ago and no one has told him that at this point his belly prevents anyone from seeing that speedo. Just saying'. Don’t we see that in the church too? 
When you are in the church, you put on the Armor of God. For some reason most Christians think that is a symbolic thing. They do not actually put on their armor. Some do put it on but they do not use it. it is too small for them, they have become flabby. Milk does that to people.

When you go to the beach, you bask in the sun.
When you are in the church, you bask in the Son.

When you go to the beach, you change (you get a tan).
When you are in the church, you change (hopefully more than a tan).

When you go to the beach, you put on oil.
When you are in the church, you receive the oil of the Spirit.

When you go to the beach, the breeze off the ocean refreshes you.
When you are in the church, the breeze of the Holy Spirit refreshes you.

When you go to the beach, the water washes over you.
When you are in the church, the water of the word washes over you and renews your mind.

When you go to the beach, the sand rubs the callouses off your feet.
When you are in the church, each person should rub each other sharpening them spiritually.

When you go to the beach, the fragrance of the jungle and the ocean heighten your senses.
When you are in the church, the fragrance of Christ permeates your senses.

When you go to the beach, the worldly quiet allows you to move into a place of intimate meditation.
When you are in the church, the anointing allows you to move into the throne room—a place of intimate meditation.

When you go to the beach, the pounding of the waves, that soft roaring of the ocean cause you to pay attention for your own safety.
When you are in the church, the sounds in the spirit cause you to pay attention to be alert for spiritual warfare.

When you look at it, going to church is like living in a paradise! People look at the pictures I show of Guam and long to be in paradise. Do you recognize yourself as a paradise? We may go to a church but actually we ARE the church. All of these things apply to you personally.  When people look at you do they long for Christ?

What does this have to do with intercession?
Time for the church to recognize who she really is.
Time to pray.

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